Monday, August 1, 2022

Shadow vs The Washing Machine

"I have been referred to as the Little Dude On The Mountain but today I earned the title of The Brave Little Dude On The Mountain"!

Mom was cleaning the house this morning and was busy wiping off bathroom counters while dad was in town.  She started the laundry while I was sleeping beside the kitchen table. I laid there with my ears finely tuned to any strange noises that needed "yarked" at.  (Us little dogs don't bark, we yark)!  I drifted off to dreamland to the sound of the water filling the big basin of the washing machine and the quiet hum of the clothes drier.  I dreamed of ice cream cones, butterflies, my binky chew toy and other silly things that flutter through my little dog mind. I kicked my feet and stretched when suddenly I heard a noise I never noticed before. The sound of the washing machine going on the wash cycle!  It made a loud click as the water shut off and the agitator started washing the clothes! Oh No! I must save Mom and Dads clothes I thought because the washing machine sounds angry!  So I put on my best big dog face and ran bravely into the laundry room to face the enormous washer! Yark, Yark, Yark! Don't you eat our clothes you big bad washer you! I think I really agitated it because it kept agitating in spite of my fearless yarks! At last I got the monster to stop agitating and the gentle sound of the rinse water came on. I was very pleased with myself and went and told mom that I made the washer behave and her clothes were safe because of my efforts! She laughed at me, rubbed my ears and told me "Good Dog Shadow" I am very proud of how brave you are. Well I puffed out my chest and went and laid down to finish my nap dreaming of kibble and cookies oh and ice cream! I love ice cream! No dream is complete without ice cream!

As I drifted off into dreamland there was that evil click again and the agitator started rinsing our clothes! I scrambled to my feet and ran into the laundry room to again face the giant white washer.  Yark, Yark, Yark!  Stop beating up our clothes!  The drier was quietly humming away. I thought to myself why can't the washer behave as politely as the clothes drier?  I will have to solve that later because right now I have to finish yarking at the washer! Finally I heard the water emptying and so I ran to proudly tell mom about making the washer behave. Again she laughed and rubbed my ears. Another Good Boy Shadow! You are such a brave boy. Now no sooner than I could puff my chest out in pride of conquering the washer there was another click and the spin cycle started! Oh my gosh these dab gum washers sure keep a little dog busy making sure that they behave! Back to the laundry room for round three of yarking at the misbehaving appliance! Finally it slowed down to a quiet swish, swish, swish until it got tired and stopped. I hope that it learned how to act as nicely as the clothes drier which was still gently humming away in the laundry room. 

So if you need to teach your washer a lesson I am available to assist you!  I have attached my Business Card for your convenience!

Kisses from the Brave Little Dude on the Mountain,


  1. Oh Shadow, you are SO brave and I am so proud of you!

  2. Shadow I know the noise you bark about. Irritating. ❤ Josie
