My name is Enzo Biscotti and I went to the Bridge on 2/22/22 at 9:22 am. My successor is named Shado

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Ask Uncle Enzo Is Back!!!

I decided that my blog (or the term I like better because it sounds more interesting is "glob") has been  neglected far to long so I decided to get back to tapping away at the keyboard again.  So I had a nice visit with the Honorable Judge Foley Monster a/k/a Ask Aunt Foley to see if she was interested in continuing her advice column.  She assured me that she was much to busy with her duties at the Rainbow Bridge to continue giving her excellent advice to the doggies and kitties in the mortal world.   We are very grateful for her updates on the happenings at the Bridge.  I know that myself, Miss Maya and Miss Molly are greatful for her bravery in speaking to the Great Bear on our behalf during the summer of "visiting bears"!  I also had a nice talk with Pocket Dog who assured me that she has been much to busy covering important events like gardening with her Mommy and scraping River Song's chewing gum off of Judge Foley's desk!  So Pocket said she did not have time to take over her sisters advice column.  So the reins have been passed back to me and Uncle Enzo is back and barking!  I don't give advice to our two legged friends because they can ask Google!  But I will answer questions from my four legged friends to the best of my golden ability.
*For those that are members of my garage you may post your questions there or you may leave them on mom's Facebook page.  They will be answered via Blogger which I will cross post to FB.  I am excited to be writing again!!
Golden Kisses,
Uncle Enzo


  1. My, you're a handsome dude. I stopped over from the Foley place.

  2. Where did you get those grooving sunglasses? I want some. Do you have any fashion advice for a handsome young pup like me? Sincerely, Hachi

  3. You look very distinguished in your beret and sunglasses so we know you must be very wise.
    Hazel & Mabel of the Idaho PugRanch


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