My name is Enzo Biscotti and I went to the Bridge on 2/22/22 at 9:22 am. My successor is named Shado

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Roscoe's Whale Of A Tale

The boat rocked and swayed in the biggest pond Enzo had ever laid eyes on.  Roscoe seemed totally unconcerned as steered the boat out to sea looking for the perfect place to fish.  Enzo wondered how big are these fish when he looked at the size of the fishing poles Roscoe had brought to use.  Enzo tentatively looked off the side of the boat just as it bounced over another small breaker.  Whats the matter asked Roscoe, Enzo you look like a "Dramamine Sailor"!  Enzo sighed and said this is not exactly what I had in mind when you asked if I wanted to go fishing!  I have never seen a pond this big before, are you sure you know where we are, as he squinted in the bright sun trying to see the other side of the pond, which seemed to be missing! Roscoe laughed at his silly friend and said you are going to have to look awfully hard to see the other side because it is a long ways away. 

Here you go Enzo handing him a very large fishing pole rigged with bait that Enzo had never seen before.  Drop your line in right there said Roscoe and you will catch a whale!  A whale ***gasped*** Enzo, oh my noooooo.  He had just watched a program about whales on the Animal Planet and there was no way he wanted one of those on his line!  How in the world would you land it he wondered.  But he politely did as Roscoe said and let the line sink slowly into the depths below. 

He waited for what seemed to be a very long time but suddenly there was a big tug on the line and the reel went Whirrrrrrrrrrrrr!  Enzo had to catch himself as the big fish was trying to pull him overboard.  Roscoe made a grab for Enzo's collar and held on as both of them were being pulled around the boat.  Wow Enzo you did catch something really big!  Just don't let me fall over the side Enzo said with his eyes wide open!  He whispered I don't swim very well.  Don't worry Enzo we got this and tightened his grip on his friends collar.  The warm breeze and salty spray from the ocean made him think maybe he did catch a whale!  He reeled and reeled and reeled until he thought his paws might fall off.  Finally they both caught a glimpse of the fish Enzo had caught and it was huge!  Roscoe looked off the side and smiled. Enzo you caught an Atlantic Halibut and its a big one!  After what seemed like hours and maybe it was hours Roscoe and Enzo landed the big fish and both of them looked at each other with satisfaction that they would be bringing home dinner for everyone tonight! 

So Enzo how was your first deep sea fishing trip?  Enzo?  Roscoe shook his head and thought his friend had way to much excitement today because he was fast asleep....zzzzzzzz.  Roscoe smiled to himself as turned the boat around heading back to shore.  I think I had better take Enzo fishing in the "small ponds" from here on!  And that is when Roscoe decided that Enzo was not cut out to be a sea dog like him! Yup his buddy was more of a mountain "trout dog"! 

Sunday, May 27, 2018

"I Would Hammer Out Freedom"

     ...John Adams

Enzo yawned, removed his glasses and leaned back in chair. He carefully closed the book he was reading about American history. With heavy eyes he dropped into a deep sleep...when suddenly he awoke to the sound of the cry The British Are Coming! Enzo jumped up knocking his three cornered hat over his eyes which hid the sight of an incoming musket volley.  He looked at one of his comrades and whispered what year is this? 1775 he replied and handed Enzo a musket and black powder.  Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes said the solider who was dressed in tattered clothes and rags for shoes. The battle raged in hito the night as Enzo drifted into another deep sleep.  He awoke this time in the farm yard of Wilmer McLean's farm on July 21, 1861 at the First Battle of Bull Run. Lots of shots were fired and Enzo looked at his tattered blue uniform. He thought to himself he was lucky he had boots. Many of the soldiers in gray didn't. He also saw young children with drums dressed in tiny tattered uniforms in the middle of the battle. Enzo's instincts made him want to protect the children but the battle raged on. Enzo continued his journey in time to end up standing in the rose garden of General Robert E. Lee while a tall man wearing a stove pipe hat spoke of hallowed ground and that we would not perish from the face of this earth. His next stop was Appomattox where General Lee surrendered to General Grant on April 9, 1865 in Wilmer McLean's parlor. What a journey thought Enzo but his time travel was not over. He awoke again and it was May of 1915 in a place called Flanders Field. He stood in silence as he saw the beautiful red poppies blooming in amongst the fallen soldiers. The price of freedom was becoming very real to Enzo but his journey continued to a place in the middle of the Pacific Ocean called Pearl Harbor. He watched in horror as the Japanese planes flew over he covered his eyes because he simply could not witness the sight unfolding in front of him. After a brief nap he awoke to the cold Korean weather helping his fellow comrades patrol the borders as they tried to prevent the division of Korea into two separate countries. Enzo wondered why humans liked to build walls. To him it seemed ominous and unfriendly. What if you needed to borrow a cup of sugar from your neighbor he thought? No one seemed to let people climb over the walls. That's not very neighborly. Deep in thought he suddenly realized he was deep in the jungle of a place formerly known as French Indo China now Viet Nam. The year was 1965 and he knew he was scared. There were big snakes and tigers as well as people shooting at you. He wondered what are we fighting for? But it was all about freedom for all even for people far away that spoke in a language he didn't understand. Finally there was peace for several decades he thought. Then came 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan. It made his head spin and he longed for his own bed with the peace and tranquility of the mountain. These men and women that gave their lives for us are heroes and suddenly Enzo got the answer he had been searching for the price for freedom was not free. There were many sacrifices for the freedoms we enjoy today. Enzo turned and placed a flower upon an unmarked grave and stood in silence this Memorial Day. 
May you have safe and peaceful holiday as we remember those that gave their all for us.  
Golden Kisses, Enzo

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Which Photo Should I Use For My New "Glob"?

I need some help deciding which photo to use for my new "Glob".  Let me know which one you like! 

1.  INDIANA ENZO  I think I might need a smaller hat but I am a cool dog!

2. REALLY MOM  I have the eye roll down to perfection!  

3.  THE LIBRARY LADY LOOK Another eye roll photo!!

I will be looking forward to hearing what you think!
Golden Kisses, Enzo 

Friday, May 25, 2018

Enzo Consults Judge Foley About "The Blog"

Mommmmmm....I need a new pencil!  Mine broke again! 

Boy this blogging stuff is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I think I need to consult with Judge Foley about this new fangled thing that makes the humans laugh. 

Enzo sat down at Judge Foley's big walnut desk and ran his paws across the smooth surface and suddenly his paw was stuck to the bottom of the desk.  Uh Oh...I think I found River's chewing gum again.  He removed the gum from the bottom of the desk and threw it into the nearby waist basket.  Then he needed to remove the gum from his paw.  Yuck he exclaimed its stuck to my fur!  Well I will just keep my paws in my lap while I discuss "The Blog" with the Honorable Judge Foley. 

Enzo folded his paws in his lap just as he heard the big heavy door open with a loud squeak.  He jumped and Judge Foley laughed.  Yes I meant to oil that last week and I forgot.  Enzo noticed the door wasn't the only thing that squeaked in the Judge's office just as Foley sat down in her big swivel office chair it let out a loud ear splitting "Squeak".   Enzo made a mental note to bring his tool bag with him next time and do some office maintenance.  Judge Foley smiled at Enzo over the top of her glasses and politely asked, now what do you need to know about blogging?  Well said Enzo trying to avoid eye contact and stared at his feet and mumbled what is blogging and what do I need to know?  Judge Foley leaned back in her chair and said to Enzo well it is a place where a dog can bark out their own stories and maybe even make a difference in the world.  Hmm...Enzo thought that sounded like a good thing after all he had a head full of stories that he could tell and making a difference in the world sounded like a positive thing to him.  Well asked Judge Foley is this something you would like to do?  Yes said Enzo it is.  Just one thing thats bugging me and thats the name "Blog".  It just sounds dumb.  But that is what it is called Enzo and I don't think it will change.  But you just said I could make changes in the world if I did this blogging thing.  Well yes but changing the the name may not be a good start.  

Enzo stood up and leaned on Judge Foley's desk and whispered this to her...
I would like to rename my Blog by rearranging the letters to spell Glob !  Judge Foley gave Enzo a  great big smile and opened her laptop and quickly typed an official document granting permission for Enzo from here forward to write Globs instead of Blogs !   Foley closed her laptop and said you know Glob does have a nice sound to it.  Enzo smiled and said thank you Foley and hopped into the wrecker from the garage and rumbled back up to the mountain to start working on his very first Glob!  

Oh Holy Night

          Advent At The Bridge The Bridge was buzzing with activity during advent. Animals of all kinds were busy making Christm...