My name is Enzo Biscotti and I went to the Bridge on 2/22/22 at 9:22 am. My successor is named Shado

Friday, May 25, 2018

Enzo Consults Judge Foley About "The Blog"

Mommmmmm....I need a new pencil!  Mine broke again! 

Boy this blogging stuff is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I think I need to consult with Judge Foley about this new fangled thing that makes the humans laugh. 

Enzo sat down at Judge Foley's big walnut desk and ran his paws across the smooth surface and suddenly his paw was stuck to the bottom of the desk.  Uh Oh...I think I found River's chewing gum again.  He removed the gum from the bottom of the desk and threw it into the nearby waist basket.  Then he needed to remove the gum from his paw.  Yuck he exclaimed its stuck to my fur!  Well I will just keep my paws in my lap while I discuss "The Blog" with the Honorable Judge Foley. 

Enzo folded his paws in his lap just as he heard the big heavy door open with a loud squeak.  He jumped and Judge Foley laughed.  Yes I meant to oil that last week and I forgot.  Enzo noticed the door wasn't the only thing that squeaked in the Judge's office just as Foley sat down in her big swivel office chair it let out a loud ear splitting "Squeak".   Enzo made a mental note to bring his tool bag with him next time and do some office maintenance.  Judge Foley smiled at Enzo over the top of her glasses and politely asked, now what do you need to know about blogging?  Well said Enzo trying to avoid eye contact and stared at his feet and mumbled what is blogging and what do I need to know?  Judge Foley leaned back in her chair and said to Enzo well it is a place where a dog can bark out their own stories and maybe even make a difference in the world.  Hmm...Enzo thought that sounded like a good thing after all he had a head full of stories that he could tell and making a difference in the world sounded like a positive thing to him.  Well asked Judge Foley is this something you would like to do?  Yes said Enzo it is.  Just one thing thats bugging me and thats the name "Blog".  It just sounds dumb.  But that is what it is called Enzo and I don't think it will change.  But you just said I could make changes in the world if I did this blogging thing.  Well yes but changing the the name may not be a good start.  

Enzo stood up and leaned on Judge Foley's desk and whispered this to her...
I would like to rename my Blog by rearranging the letters to spell Glob !  Judge Foley gave Enzo a  great big smile and opened her laptop and quickly typed an official document granting permission for Enzo from here forward to write Globs instead of Blogs !   Foley closed her laptop and said you know Glob does have a nice sound to it.  Enzo smiled and said thank you Foley and hopped into the wrecker from the garage and rumbled back up to the mountain to start working on his very first Glob!  


  1. Enzo, Foley is very proud of you. She is sure you are going to be a first rate globber.

  2. Started out Very GOOD, Enzo. I can see that you're gonna do well. Good luck, and Glob on!


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